This year, I want to PERSEVERE.A2: #cdnedchat #oneword POTENTIAL a 'struggling' Ss asked n September during Ts goal setting 2see potential n all Ss— Zelia (@ZeliaMCT) January 5, 2016
I want to continue on respecting and supporting students' sharing or discovering their spark. I also want to continue taking on new learning challenges, rethinking my approach to building a strong class community of learners, as well as a providing students the opportunity to have a say in what this might look/feel like. I want to persevere and take our daily learning making it visible for parents to follow along via our class twitter account @McM_MsT and class blog: Room 308 in Action. Thus allowing for discussions and making connections to student learning beyond the school day.
I am learning to navigate through various social media forums to connect, discuss and share ideas, teaching moments of successes and fails. Definitely, trying to persevere, follow thru and keep up with discussions within Twitter, to Slack, to Hangouts, and FaceBook.
The past several months I have had the honour of learning with and from my growing Twitter PLN who provide ongoing encouragement, direction and push me to consider my own biases. This also includes the many inspiring and innovating educators via Google for Education Certified Innovator family/tribe #GoogleEI, #TOR16, my journey as an #MIEExpert, #FCLedu, developing a culture of makers/makerspace (it's not about a space) #MakerEdTO, sharing as a TDSB Digital Lead Learners #tdsbdll, refining my lessons thru the Design Thinking Process via #FDSInnovates and so much more.
I must persevere:
Be optimistic
Find a life/work balance
Grow as a life-long learner
..... because my boys are watching
.... because my students are learning
... because I must take care of me to be ready to support others
.. because living life to its fullest can be hard and requires some sacrifice
. because giving up is not an option
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